About Us

NEPR has Three Primary Goals

Rescue and Re-homing –We provide rescue care for Great Pyrenees dogs that are lost, abandoned, neglected or surrendered and place them in loving permanent homes. In many instances the dogs have lived with attentive and loving families but due to difficult circumstances, such as divorce or owner death, the Pyr needs to find a new home. In some cases dogs have been neglected or abandoned and have special care needs.

Education – We teach people about the Great Pyrenees breed characteristics and convey information regarding proper dog selection and the importance of spaying and neutering. Members set up educational booths at county fairs, public events, Pet-Co, live stock events, and dog shows to disseminate information and answer questions. We distribute about 500 educational fliers and pamphlets each year a s well as speak to approximately 1,000 people.

Consultation and Assistance – We work with owners who are experiencing behavioral problems with their Pyrs, connecting them with experienced breeders and owners who understand and help resolve their issues of concern. In most instances, with dedicated owners, we can provide easy solutions so the Pyr can remain in their home forever.

There are 70 volunteers, in 7 states, who help assure the promise of NEPR's mission.

We are a NY Registered Rescue # RR 381


We are licensed in Massachusetts #0230

2023-2024 Northeast Pyr Rescue Board of Directors are:


Jody Chiquoine,  Pres. 

Tracy Taylor Crosby , Vice President

Cimber Root, Treasurer 

Elizabeth Battey, Secretary         

Rebekah Jacobus, Board Member

Robert Bogard, Board Member

Sue Smith, Board Member



We are please to announce that as of Friday, May 14, 2021, Northeast Pyr Rescue was able to acquire 8+ acres of vacant land in New Lebanon, New York. It is just over the border from Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

 It will be the future home site for a private kennel for our dogs. Nothing big, just a 5 run kennel where we can bring dogs into so we evaluate them and vet them before placing them in a foster home or a potential forever home. Some dogs are not good with other dogs, or cats and this can limit the potential to take those dogs as we are primarily a foster home based organization covering the Northeast. Most of our fosters have their own dogs.

If you would like to make a donation directly to our organization you can mail a check to Northeast Pyr Rescue at P O Box 704, Lee, MA 01238. Note on the check it is for the Shelter Fund.You can also make donations via the website at http://www.nepyresq.org/page/donations-26.htmlUse the General Fund donation button.

We are 100% volunteer and it all goes to help the dogs. All donations are tax deductible as we are a not-for-profit organization. [501 (c) (3) ] This has been a DREAM for us for a long time.

We will need donations of time to help clear brush, put up Kennel fencing, draft a building plan, etc. All are welcome. Architects, engineers, builders and any one with a skill to offer is appreciated. Any offer of help will be greatly appreciated. Contact us at nepyresq@gmail.com

Thank you,    

Northeast Pyr Rescue Board of Director



Update: 3/27/22.  The storage shed is completed and we moved in.  We have been blessed with volunteers and support for our project.  

We cleared trees around an old flatbed truck which will be removed from the property. We also have projects coming up in the spring.  There will be trails  to cut.  We have kennel fencing that was donated to us which needs to be taken down and relocated to our property. Updates are posted on our Facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/NortheastPyrRescue  


Thank you to MRB Darcy Dirtwork for the delivery of the stone and gravel. They are a local company and we will try to deal locally when ever possible so we can support the community as they are supporitng us.

Update: 4/14/22 We are working with Backyard Sheds out of Selkirk, NY for a kennel building which will house two dog kennels.  Site prep is inder way for this which is the first of 3 of these kennel builings we plan to put in.  The dogs will have company but not as noisey as a bigger kennel building with lots of dogs in it. We will be fundrasing for this and the future ones.

Update: 5/2022 We have the first small kennel building and it is housing twp dogs. 

Update 6/2022 We were given kennel fencing and it was brought tot he proptery by a goup of hard working volunteers. 

Update: 9/2022 We have water!  Smith Well Drilling out of Kinderhoo, NY drilled the well .100 feeet deep adn 10+ gallons a minute.

Update 11/2022 We had a culvert installed for the driveway by MRB Darcy construction.  It will make access much safer and we are almost complete with our NYS Department of Transportation permit.

Update 7/15/24 The `14 x 30 foot slab is going in for the next building.