If you are in Canada we do not import dogs across the border. You would need to come over to adopt. But you can reach out to these links for possible rescues or breeders in Canada:


Canada - rescue

Sonia Christ New Bothwell, MB 204-355-4267 mgprescue@gmail.com
Norma Egginton Guelph, ON 519-265-2822 normae@rogers.com
Dr. Carol Graham

Acton, ON






CANADA - Breeders
Marie Klimek * Kaleden, BC 780-871-8507 skeenawhip@gmail.com
Karen Melanson * Boundary Creek, NB 506-215-0163 Karleos@rogers.com
Leo Melanson * Boundary Creek, NB 506-215-0163 Karleos@rogers.com
Sandy Dyment * Brantford, ON 519-758-0912 pyrviewcanada@gmail.com
Norma Egginton Guelph, ON 519-835-3208 normae@rogers.com
Dr. Carol Graham * Acton, ON 519-853-3005 woolmarsh53@gmail.com
Julie Mackey Cayuga, ON 905-772-6448 alexgirard1@yahoo.ca
Penny Numbers * Dorion, ON 807-857-2330 pendoug2@tbaytel.net
Susan M. Tochor Bright, ON 519-536-5516 tochor@xplornet.com
Guy Laperriere * St. Blaise, QC 450-291-4240
Nicole Lavergne * St. Blaise, QC 450-291-4240 nicolelavergne04@gmail.com